What is Going On in the House of Queers

Yay welcome back to my lovely diary of all things weird and Queer! There have been a lot of events that I have gone to that are worth noting in this section of the blogs. First, we finally ended watching movies!! Yay but also sad, since a lot of the movies this year were quite amazing, some weird but mostly amazing. So far, it has been hard for me to pick a film that I think is the best and should be recommended but personally my two favorites currently are Haze and All Shall Be Well. Both of those movies are vastly different but are good, nonetheless. There are a lot of other movies that also were good, but those stuck in my head the longest.

In my first outing we went to the Japanese Tea Gardens for the first time during this trip, it was stunning and so peaceful. Other than the other people being around if you closed your eyes and just pictured being in a nice quiet place, this was the best place to do so. Other than it being a beautiful place to just relax and walk around, there was also amazing food to go along with the experience. I had beef udon, a fried chicken dish, and of course some mochi as dessert. All of it was amazing and is something that I recommend everyone go and experience once, especially the food! If you don’t go there then the California Museum of Arts is also there to visit, so either way there is a great way to have fun there in the area.

My next adventure was both the Dyke March, and a Sapphic Tea Party held at the Sour Cherry comics store. Sadly, this year's Dyke March was technically cancelled, but I don’t think anyone got the memo in all honesty. It was packed there, there were people, music and food everywhere, and for me it felt like heaven. I was happy to be surrounded by mostly women in this space and be able to talk to them and get a perspective on how society views their relationships and how they sometimes can be underrepresented. Not only was there that but there was also the Sapphic Tea Party, this one made me happy to go to because it was first time ever going to a women's space who love other women. It was lovely to be around like-minded people and have amazing conversations about our sexuality, coming out and more. I met this girl named Alecia, she had also never been to an event such as the tea party and we both confided in each other, learning from our experiences and what it was like being around other women in the space. She had asked me about a book recommendation that she should read, I suggested to her The Last Night at the Telegraph Club, which is about historical lesbians that are Chinese American, she was also Chinese American, and she bought the book! She thanked me and told me I was pretty; guess I can say I was happy that day.

Finally, we ended this trip with Pride, my first ever Pride at that! This also was an amazing experience, there was so much warmth from people everywhere, like the free mom/dad hugs and the general acceptance that was shown to me and the others on this trip. For this being my first pride, it was very scary and left me with a lot to think about. It made me happy that I finally could be out in the open and be seen, and not have to hide behind anything. It was refreshing and reassuring to know that everyone around me was also like me and were just as unapologetic as I was! Other than the sentiments I enjoyed the activities and food! So many free goodies and prizes that I highly recommend to anyone who goes to San Francisco pride! Free things are always good things! With that I conclude with my final on the trip blog, this has been so fun and amazing! I can’t wait to go again. Makayla signing out.


I Forget How Big California Is


Take. Me. Back.